Joint Marine Claims Committee

Claims Homepage
Marine Underwriting Page

IUA Contact:
 Chris Jones

The Joint Marine Claims Committee (JMCC) has its genesis in the old Company and Lloyd's Adjusters meetings that started in the early part of the 20th century. Today, the JMCC is chaired by Amy Eaves of Lancashire Insurance with the deputy chair being Stephen Chapman of Ascot. The JMCC meets every two months with a number of specifically focused sub groups that meet as and when required. The JMCC also provides representation to a number of the Joint Marine Underwriting Committees and liaises with external stakeholders including the International Group of P&I Clubs, Lloyd’s and the broking association, LIIBA.
Download the JMCC's Terms of Reference

Current JMCC sub groups:
Education & Training – Engagement with Universities

JMCC Technical Documents of Interest   

Access Payment Authorities Guidance Notes, London Terms of Engagement for Recovery Agents, London Terms of Engagement for Surveyors, SCOPIC Code of Practice between IUMI and the International Group of P&I Clubs and Overseas Leaders 

International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI)

Member access to the IUMI Website
The IUA is a national member of the International Union of Marine Insurance. This allows IUA members to gain access to the member only pages of the IUMI website. Please click the link above and use your IUA member sign in details to view IUMI login instructions.

IUMI Annual Conference: Edinburgh 2023
The IUA will be jointly hosting the IUMI annual conference in 2023, together with the Lloyd's Market Association. The event is the world’s largest international marine insurance forum, bringing together key decision-makers for business discussions and unique networking opportunities.