IUA Contacts:
 Chris Jones    Tom Hughes   Ela Metalia 

The IUA’s Aviation Technical Committee (ATC) exists to promote sound principles for the best practice of aviation and aerospace business. It represents the interests of member companies on aviation matters and acts as a medium for the circulation of information and advice. In addition, the IUA is represented on two cross market bodies: the Aviation Insurance Clauses Group (AICG) and the Aviation Liaison Forum (ALF). The AICG proposes and publishes aviation policy wordings and clauses in the London Market. It is made up members nominated by the IUA’s Aviation Technical Committee and the Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) Aviation Committee, together with representatives from the EU aviation industry. Meanwhile the ALF acts as a liaison forum between the IUA’s Aviation Technical Committee and the LMA Aviation Committee on subjects of common interest, for example technical, regulatory, legal and procedural issues.
A junior aviation underwriting group is also operated by the IUA for practitioners with less than eight years market experience. This group supports members with education and training events and enables them to develop a network of business contacts.

Download the Aviation Technical Committee's Terms of Reference

Key Links

AICG Website
The Aviation Insurance Clauses Group (AICG) was established in June 2005 by the IUA and the Lloyd's Market Association It publishes non-binding standard wordings, clauses and variants for use in aviation insurance policies. Users are consulted on proposed clauses and can propose variant clauses themselves.

Aviation Insurer Certificates Database
It is common practice in the aviation market for brokers and their nominated agents to issue certificates of insurance on behalf of insurers to parties who request evidence of cover in respect of aviation risks. The Aviation Insurer Certificates Database (AICD) publishes approved model certificate templates.

Aviation Liaison Forum
The Aviation Liaison Forum (ALF) was established in March 2005 to enable liaison between the Lloyd's Market Association Aviation Committee and the IUA Aviation Technical Committee on issues of common interest.

Aviation Insurance Requirements    

A report reviewing (minimum) insurance requirements for airline operators in different countries.

Aviation Wording Masterclasses
Recordings of a series of four masterclass events focussed on different aspects of aviation wordings and hosted by the IUA's Junior Aviation Practitioners Working Group.