Public Policy

The IUA represents the interests of its members to regulators and government, both in the UK and internationally. It continually monitors  legal, regulatory, international trade, compliance, accounting and taxation developments affecting the London Market, and responds appropriately. Our views are sought early in major consultation exercises and are recognised and respected by opinion formers. Such engagement regularly results in improvements being made to the business environment in which our members operate. 

Helen Dalziel

Director of Public Policy 

Public Policy Updates     

The London company market’s senior committee for discussing issues of re/insurance regulation is under new leadership.

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Media Release: The IUA has strongly opposed plans to publish details of future regulatory investigations before they reach their conclusion.

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The Financial Conduct has answered questions raised by the IUA about the application of Consumer Duty rules

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Publication of Insurance Europe's 2023 survey of indirect taxation applicable to insurance contracts

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A summary of key findings from the PRA's 2022 Insurance Stress Test

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Receipt of written confirmation to IUA from the CMS to permit lead-only reporting on Medicare.

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The latest spreadsheet of international sanctions measures is now available to download.

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The latest spreadsheet of international sanctions measures is now available to download

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Amendments to the Financial Conduct Authority's product value and pricing practices

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The latest spreadsheet of international sanctions measures is now available to download.

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Publication of the IUA's Annual Review for 2021/22

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The latest spreadsheet of international sanctions measures is now available to download.

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