Energy Claims

Claims Homepage

IUA Contact:
 Joe Shaw
IUA Energy Claims Group
The IUA’s Energy Claims Group, chaired by Rob Gallie, of SCOR and Robin Avery, from Berkley Offshore Underwriting Managers., was established in 2013. The group exists to provide a common forum for energy claims practitioners within IUA member companies, developing best practice and ensuring a streamlined, cohesive approach to claims handling for clients. 

Download the IUA Energy Claims Group's Terms of Reference

Joint Energy Claims Group
The Joint Energy Claims Group exists to provide a representative forum for energy claims adjusters, with membership across both the Lloyd’s Market Association and the International Underwriting Association. The Secretarial support is currently provided by the IUA. The group promotes best principles and practice of energy insurance and reinsurance claims, and will advise relevant market groups on technical issues and market matters affecting the energy claims sector. 

Download the Joint Energy Claims Group's Terms of Reference