Liability Underwriters’ Group

Underwriting Homepage

IUA Contacts:
 Tom Hughes   Ela Metalia 

The IUA’s Liability Underwriters' Group aims to improve levels of knowledge in the market surrounding the writing of liability business; in particular Employers’ Liability, Public Liability, Products Liability, Umbrella Liability, Financial Loss, Products Guarantee/Recall and any other classes that would have an impact upon the Liability market. The group promotes sound principles for and best practice of liability insurance. It represents IUA members’ interests to regulatory and governmental bodies as required, provides a forum for discussion and is a medium for the circulation of advice and information.

An annual conference is held for the Liability Underwriters' Group. Details and presentation slides from past events are available via the Insurance Market Conferences website.

Download the Liability Underwriters' Group's Terms of Reference
Freedom of Services and General Liability Insurance
A report by the IUA Liability Underwriters' Group on insuring general liability risks on a Freedom of Services basis

Asbestos Diseases and Insurance
An underwriters' guide to recent legal developments

The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act
A report on the provision of legal expenses extensions to liability policies

Financial Loss: what is it and when is it covered?
A report on issues arising from the provision of financial loss coverage as an extension to traditional general liability policies

Contingent Employers' Liability
An introductory guide to contingent employers’ liability cover