IUA Circular 010/23
Launch of Foundational Playbook for digital transformation of central services
Date: 18 January 2023
Interest Groups: IUA member contacts, digital transformation interests
Subject: Publication of a foundational playbook to help companies prepare for the digital transformation of central processing services resulting from the London Market's Blueprint Two initiatives
Downloads accompanying this circular:
IUA Contact:
Louise Day
Director of Operations, tel. 020 7617 4448
The IUA is pleased to present its Foundational Playbook for the Company Market (available via the above download link). This document has been prepared to to help prepare members for the digital transformation of central services that will be brought on by the implementation of Blueprint Two solutions. It contains information to support your in-house digital pathway planning, budgeting, and operational change activities, so that you can obtain full benefit from an advanced, digital insurance marketplace.
In July 2022 the Lloyd's Market Association (LMA) launched a foundational playbook for managing agents. This was well received by the managing agents and IUA members expressed interest in the production of a similar document for the company market.
If you have already perused the LMA’s playbook then you will notice that this one is much shorter. There is much being delivered by Blueprint Two that is specific to the Lloyd’s market. What we have done with this document is draw out the elements that impact the company market. Specifically, these changes only impact company market users of central claims, accounting and settlement services provided by XIS.
If you don’t currently use central claims, accounting and settlement services and are wondering whether they will be of interest to you in the future then this is not the document for you, watch out for other work being done by XIS and the IUA to explain the new global digital claims, accounting and settlement orchestration services that will become available in 2023 as well as the new digital proposition for London market central claims, accounting and settlement.
I would like to say thank you to Lloyd’s and NTT data with whom we have collaborated on this document and of course it would not have been possible without the original publication by the LMA. If you have any questions about the Foundational Playbook for the Company Market, please direct them to myself, Louise Day, via the above contact details.
If you have any questions about Blueprint Two, please submit them to the Blueprint Two Engagement Team using one of the methods on page 59 of the playbook.